Kay Bailey Hutchison Veep?

The name of Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison has surfaced on the short list of candidates for John McCain’s Vice Presidental running mate Wednesday night. There is no secret about Hutchison’s consideraton of running for Governor against fellow Republican Rick Perry next time around.

But, the stakes got raised Wednesday night when MSNBC talked bunches about Senator Hutchison on McCain’s Veep list. The buzz spread like wild fire around the Democratic Convention media village. The pick of Senator Hutchison would be kind of strange, because McCain and Hutchison are not really running buddies in Washington, in fact there are some who might say she and he don’t get along. But, all is fair in love and war, and Hutchison might appeal to women unhappy with Hilary Clinton not being picked by Obama as his running mate..

Hutchison was supposed to be at a private fund raising dinner Wednesday night for Senator Elizabeth Dole at former Texas Secretary of State Roger Williams estate near Weatherford. A friend of mine from the Reagan Administration was there last night, and says she did not show. He says her absense was conspicuous and her Veep possibilities all the buzz.

While my friend, who used to be an official in the U.S. Transportation Department, likes Senator Hutchison, he says he expects Mitt Romney to be the Veep choice for McCain. The decision could come this weekend in an attempt to steal a little thunder from the end of Obama’s convention. Stay tuned.

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